This & That

  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out Jon Foreman

    WOW!!! Just wow. I got a chance to meet Jon earlier this year in Llano, TX at the LEAF festival and his work is stunning. See for yourself.
  • Escape

    From previous posts you know I love listening to audio books. I wasn’t sure they would hold my attention, but they do and I’m grateful for it. My m...
  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out Twice Baked Clay

    I’m not sure where or when I meet these gals but I love them. Aside from their wonderfully creative art they are just good people. I’m happy to cal...
  • Choose Happy

    I’m a huge Ted Lasso fan. It’s right up there with Harry Potter for me. I’m on my second run through of watching both seasons. I’m not really sure what it is about him and the show itself. I think maybe it gives me hope and helps me strive to be less judgy. And it makes me think. Like this quote from the second season, not sure what episode, “every disadvantage has its advantages.”
  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out Kelley Knickerbocker

    Kelley Knickerbocker is a visual artist and instructor. I enjoy her work. I find her story of leaving her career behind to become a full-time artist and her art inspiring.  I haven't taken one of her classes yet but it's only a matter of time. Check out her Instagram and her website
  • Challenge Accepted

    I was inspired today by and essay I was listening to in the car from David Sedaries from his book ‘Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls’. Inspired to what you may ask, to notice my everyday surroundings and jot down things during my day and flush them out in a blog post the next morning.
  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out GoWithTheFlowInks

    Marlene of GoWithTheFlowInks, serves up bright and beautiful artworks that are inspired by the desert landscapes and sunsets of Arizona, where she resides. I hope you enjoy her work as much as I do. Follow Marlene on Instagram
  • Work Life Balance

    It’s been a crazy month or two for me. I was so on the ball at the beginning of the year, when everything is fresh and new and all I have are ideas that I’m ready to put into action. The beginning of a new year is generally slow for me so it makes it a great time for possibilities. We are 5 months in and all the prep work I put into place for a great start to the year have ended and I’ve been too busy to keep up with it. I’d say I was disappointed in myself but it’s not like I’ve been binge watching TV the last several months. Well, I have been but I’m good a multitasking usually. BTW… Ted Lasso, it’s must see
  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out Gildas le Berre

    The thing I have always loved about Instagram is stumbling across artist I never would have met otherwise. This pottery is whimsical and just pure fun. I don’t know this artist but I’m sure we would be friends. Check out his Instagram
  • What’s your favorite app?

    I have several but the one I’m loving at the moment is Libby. It’s the library app that helps you checkout digital books from libraries within the US and Canada. All you need is a valid library card and you’re set. I listen to tons of audio books while I drive from gig to gig and this app is free, easy, and fantastic. Yes, I could use Kindle or Audible, and I have, but they charge a fee. Ok yes, I do have to place books on hold sometimes especially the new releases but then it’s like Christmas when I get a ping and one of my holds is ready to download.

    The other app that goes hand in hand with Libby is Goodreads. It is a free service for book tracking, recommendations and reviews. I listen to so many books I don’t always remember the titles so this app helps me keep track of what I’ve read and what is next in the series. I also, get to see what my friends are reading and what they reccomend.

    Let’s be friends on Goodreads

    What’s your favorite app?

  • #FriendlyFriday Shout Out Jeremy Biggers

    Jeremy Biggers is a Dallas-based artist. He attended Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts where he primarily focused on expression through graphite and charcoal drawing. During his college years he cultivated his love for painting and photography, and they’ve since cemented themselves into his everyday life. Biggers' work is shaped by experiences that inform his view of the world. His goal with each piece is to inspire conversation.
    Many murals you find around DFW are his and in February, Jeremy collaborated with Fossil to design a new watch for Black History month.
    To find out more go to his website
    and follow him on Instagram
  • What Story are you Telling Yourself?

    I’m was listening to “The Spiritual Artist” podcast the other day. In episode 17 Chris Miller was interviewing Artist Jackie Fuch and she was speaking directly to me.

    Right at about the 22 minute mark is says…..
    When an artist says, “Oh, I’m struggling”, that’s not abundance, that’s lack. We always have a choice. Am I living in lack or am I living in abundance?

    Am I a fountain in the world or am I a drain?

    Wow, just wow.

    She goes on talking about manifestation and how quickly what she puts out there comes to her. I was just wondering what my next blog post was going to be about when I started listening to this podcast. TaDa!